“In India Around 600 million people fail to access the health services they need”

We are trying to solve Access to Healthcare problem in India. In India around 600 million people fail to access the health services they need and 63 million Indians are living in poverty because of healthcare costs. Around two-thirds of health expenditures in India are made in the form of out-of-pocket payments (user fees), which is one of the highest rates in the world. People are forced into poverty, have to sell assets or cut back on vital expenditures in other areas. It has been calculated that around 70% of India’s huge out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure on health is spent on medicines and this places a huge financial burden on the population. Around 86% of the rural population and 82% of the urban population were still not covered under any Insurance scheme – public or private. India’s underperforming state health insurance schemes: not covering enough people or the right services. Government has made the system, polices and schemes for universal health coverage but due to poor awareness, complicated process, lack of user or beneficiary focus approach, gap in understanding of benefactors need and offerings etc still many people in India struggling to get easy access to healthcare services they need.

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